
Sleep support for babies

baby package

This package is designed for babies transitioning/reaching their next milestone. If your child is 3 months or older and weighs at least 6 kilograms and is gaining weight well, then he or she is ready to start sleeping through the night.

This comprehensive 2 week support package is tailored to the needs of the individual child and family. It empowers parents and prepares them to support their child as they transition into a champion sleeper. Parents are taught valuable skills and tools needed to start the sleep program with their child. Full support and guidance is provided every step of the way.

You are provided a detailed sleep plan along with 4 x 15 minute telephone calls and unlimited email support.


Investment in Sleep:

  • In-home consultation 1500 AED
  • Phone call or virtual consultation 1350 AED

Extra support

Home visits are a great way to get to know you, your little one and the home environment on a more personal level. Parents who would like extra in-home support, this is for you.


Offering bedtime, half night and overnight packages, I will work alongside you to implement the sleep plan.

  • Bedtime Package (3 hours) – Starting from 3500 AED 
  • Half Night Package (6 hours) – Starting from 5000 AED
  • Overnight Package (12 hours) – Starting from 10000 AED

If you do not require a home visit but would like some extra support, I also offer other options:  

  • Text message support first night till midnight 300 AED
  • Follow up email support for a week 400 AED
  • Book a 30 minute call for 200 AED
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